Sculpture & Installation
This series, entitled InOrganics, focuses on the transformation of everyday materials to mimic ethereal, often organic structures. The fragility of ourselves - and our world - are represented in their qualities.
InOrganics work is often abstract and experimental, a constant negotiation between maker and materials where outcomes can be influenced, but never entirely controlled.
Developments of these themes consider the body as ‘place’ - the location of memory and emotion – where sculptural work becomes costume, reflecting upon the personal impact of both individual and global concerns.
Sculpture & Installation
This series, entitled InOrganics, focuses on the transformation of everyday materials to mimic ethereal, often organic structures. The fragility of ourselves - and our world - are represented in their qualities.
InOrganics work is often abstract and experimental, a constant negotiation between maker and materials where outcomes can be influenced, but never entirely controlled.
Developments of these themes consider the body as ‘place’ - the location of memory and emotion – where sculptural work becomes costume, reflecting upon the personal impact of both individual and global concerns.
Sculpture & Installation
Sculpture & Installation
This series, entitled InOrganics, focuses on the transformation of everyday materials to mimic ethereal, often organic structures. The fragility of ourselves - and our world - are represented in their qualities.
InOrganics work is often abstract and experimental, a constant negotiation between maker and materials where outcomes can be influenced, but never entirely controlled.
Developments of these themes consider the body as ‘place’ - the location of memory and emotion – where sculptural work becomes costume, reflecting upon the personal impact of both individual and global concerns.
Creative workshops are fun, social events... No previous experience is needed and sessions are aimed at all levels of confidence and ability.
Each is designed to support specific learning or inclusion themes.
Workshops take place in
Museums and Cultural Settings
Outdoor environments
Educational settings
Health and wellbeing contexts
Clubs for adults or children and in private homes.

Diana's approach is to encourage experimentation and eliminate worry about 'not being good at art'. She says "Make lots of discoveries - and mistakes - in workshops so that you will build your confidence to keep on creating independently".

Enhanced DBS Child and Adult Workforce
PLI Insurance to £10m
Recent Training includes:
Safeguarding (OSCB)
Prevent (home
Trauma Informed Training
CAMHS Mental Health Workshops
Discover and Explore Arts Award Advisor
Artswork: Navigating the Changing Educational Landscape
Artswork: Health and Wellbeing (SAHW into STEAM)
Dementia and the Arts: UCL / Futurelearn